Like ten to twelf years ago , we met Ben at Croix en tournois (FR).
We were havin`fun at the seventies cycle track days round easter.
He came driving on his amazing aloy dressed Guzzi all packed for the weekend,
from the Netherlands were he and a buddy of him had a "shop",
and it wasn`t a coffee shop, it was a custom bike shop .
That shop wasn`t well know , bud they did manage to build the sortlike Guzzi
for the Star Wars actor , Ewan Mc Gregor ... stunning set-up.
The guy wasn`t surrtenly a common guy , with his outstanding sideburns ,
huge seventies glasses , piercing in his ... naaee I donno.
Even during racesessions ,he was the only racer in a pure white coverall.
He came by our truck with the 10 or so ,bikes in front , guess he was even more
attracted to the pile of beer can`s out in the back.
He asked if he could stay over for a night or so . No problem I guess.
Don`t know exactly were he slept , if he slept at all.
Afterwards he did a full report on our black Ducati racer for the Ducati Factory Book
on the track of Assen Holland.
What a bloke that Ben part... I like him for what he is , surtenly for his photograf`s.